quinta-feira, 19 de janeiro de 2006

I was in need of some practice....

What am I waiting for?
Some magic, something surreal that put me against the wall

I'm waiting for what was promised me a long time ago, several times
Ok that I know it's not possible, that this is a bloody invention, but....

If so far no one told me that this can't be done, nor won't happen
I believe that someday it'll happen to me, for me, or with me, whatever

I'm waiting, I'm patient
The things happens and I giv'em time to sit up straight

Even though, to me it's going slowly
Or not even going.... so far it's difficult to say

I'm happy on the outside, and so they see
But inside something's really missing

There's a hole in my soul??
No, that's too sugary and that's also not the case....

Honestly, it's being difficult
It's being very difficult....

Mas não é o fim do mundo....
Em breve um post que vai abalar as estruturas do carnaval!

P.S. so far nothing new, but I've listened to the 'anonymous's' advice, and that was already being done when it was told, thanks and you're welcome to comment again


Anonymous Anônimo said...

Hello again, meu ingles anda bem enferrujado mas penso que consegui captar tudo o que foi dito.
E sobre isso, acredito que você não deva esperar (seja lá o que for que você estiver esperando) e sim viver sua vida, curtir os momentos, aproveitar!
Não é esperando e sendo paciente que conseguimos as coisas e sim correndo atrás delas! Algumas coisas (que não dependem somente de nós) devem ser deixadas de lado para não virarem obsessão, e assim, quando menos esperarmos, elas já estarão acontecendo.
No mais aguardo o post que irá abalar as estruturas do carnaval.

quinta-feira, janeiro 19, 2006 8:08:00 PM  

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